EReKY Labs Social Innovation Division:
Leading the Way in Environmental Sustainability

Pioneering Eco-Friendly Solutions

At the Social Innovation Division of EReKY Labs Private Limited, our commitment to environmental stewardship is at the heart of everything we do. We stand at the forefront of sustainable innovation, developing technologies that not only address current environmental challenges but also pave the way for a greener future.

Revolutionizing Recycling with Eco-Friendly Paint

One of our most significant breakthroughs is the development of a novel formulation for producing commercially viable paint using recycled plastics. This eco-friendly innovation represents a major step forward in our efforts to combat plastic waste.

Our sustainable paint:

  • Reduces Environmental Impact: By repurposing plastic waste, our paint contributes to reducing pollution and conserving resources.
  • Promotes Circular Economy: This innovation is a prime example of the circular economy in action, where waste materials are transformed into valuable products.
  • NABL Approval and International Recognition: Our formulation has been rigorously tested and approved by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL). It has gained international recognition, featuring in prestigious platforms like the United Nations Development Programme and Youco Lab.

Global Collaboration and Outreach

In line with our vision for a sustainable world, we seek global partners to expand the reach of our eco-friendly paint:

  • Strategic Partnerships: We invite environmental organizations, government bodies, and industry leaders to collaborate in promoting and implementing this sustainable solution.
  • Global Distribution: Dealers are welcome to join us in distributing this innovative paint, helping reduce plastic waste worldwide.
  • Joint Ventures: We are open to joint ventures that align with our environmental goals, enhancing our ability to make a global impact.

Join Our Mission for a Greener Planet

We invite you to be part of this exciting journey towards environmental sustainability. Whether through collaboration, distribution, or advocacy, your involvement can make a significant difference in our collective pursuit of a more sustainable future.